See what people are saying about the Subie & YOU! Podcast!

  • The best Podcast for any car enthusiast

    “First off, Rafael has found a way to unite the entire Subaru community with this podcast. From off-roading Foresters and Crosstreks, to the speed demons, and Rally owners. If you have a Subie, You’re part of this community. He interviews the well known and the up and comings. This podcast is filled with joy and passion, even vocalizes on some personal struggles or achievements when it comes to every owner’s build and life.

    Thank you Rafael for making this podcast as a way for all of us to connect, grow, and learn from each other’s stories. I personally have felt so lonely until I got my Crosstrek, and since then my community has grown into a huge Subie family and has continued to grow thanks to the weekly and now twice weekly episodes.

    I encourage everyone to listen and continue to promote this podcast. Subie & YOU! is for everyone! So please pop in your headphones and enjoy the stories from the Subie world, you won’t regret it, I promise.”

    Emma-Jeanette, @mushutrek98

  • Subie & YOU! & Me too!

    “Rafael has such a chill and inviting voice, perfectly representing the Subaru community!  He epitomizes the welcoming and uplifting group of people that are Subaru owners!  If ever you were considering getting a Subaru, have owned one for years, or just want to learn about them and connect with new people, Rafael presents guests each week with new and different backgrounds and styles!  Get plugged into an awesome group with Subie & YOU!”

    Sean, brother to Rafael

  • Wholesome content

    “The only reason I look forward to Mondays!  Now Instagram ins’t the only place to share your story.  It’s great to hear the stories of some of the most genuine people in the community and how their Subaru either changed their life, made it better, or gave them opportunities (especially those looking to give back!). It’s a positive way for newcomers to learn and be more connected when looking for groups or information on popular builds.  I look forward to the growth of this podcast.  It’s off to a great start!”

    Taylor, @panicxtrek

  • 100% Best automotive Podcast

    “Another Spotify listener coming over to review the Subie & YOU! Podcast on Apple. Raf is an amazing community builder with a big heart and an even bigger love for the Subaru community. The Subie & YOU! Podcast is a great way to learn about all things Subaru whether it be daily drivers, serious soft-roaders, or track day tire eaters. The episodes are easy listening and very informative and I always find myself smiling while listening to it. Keep them coming and keep building the community of Subaru enthusiasts.”

    Shawn, @the_crosstrek

  • This is a must listen

    “If you love all things Subie, you need to listen to this podcast! I started listening at the beginning of the year and have binge listened to pretty much all of the episodes. This podcast really has made getting through my work week that much better. Even for me to make an Instagram for our Crosstrek. Thanks for all you do Rafael for the Subie community!

    Erin, @sasqtrek

  • I'm not a podcast person, but this has turned me into one!

    I really enjoy listening to this. I’ve learned a lot about not only off-roading Subies, which is my focus, but also been introduced to Rally and others.

    I found this podcast from friends’ posts on Instagram in the fall of 2021. I’ve randomly gone back and picked out some episodes that were done before I caught it.

    Really a fantastic podcast that brings together all fans of Subarus. It’s entertaining and informative and is a pleasure to catch every week.

    Your fan Jenn, @pickleback.2016

  • Awesome and Engaging

    “I’ve been following along with this podcast, and being able to listen in to the thoughts of other people in the Subaru community is very cool!

    This podcast allows me to get some better ideas of what I want to do with my own build and learn through others’ experiences.

    Very cool, would recommend!!

    Ky, @chaoticbluebu

  • If you have a Subie you should know!

    This podcast has been one of the only podcasts I have a subscription to. I enjoy hearing all the stories about everyone’s builds and what has inspired them to do their builds. Rafael does such an awesome job editing all of the content together! Definitely liking the intro music as well!!

    Gayle, @norwegiangrl21

  • You'll laugh, cry, and be inspired!

    I found this podcast several months ago while looking for new podcasts to listen to on my long drives. The first episode I listened to was the Rhianon Gelsomino episode. I have always been interested in Rally racing and hearing Rafael and Rhianon dig into the behind the scenes was amazing!

    Rafael has such a variety of guests. Hearing the stories behind the builds of these cars have had me laughing, crying, and have inspired me to mod my car even more! The off-road Subaru community is not nearly as known as the tuner community. Rafael is single-handedly growing the family one guest at at time.

    I highly recommend this podcast for any level of car enthusiast, from the newbie who just got their first car, to the ultra experienced (spends every second of the day modding their car) enthusiast.

    Keep up the great work Rafael, and thank you for everything you do.

    Jim, @littlerubysubie